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An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission for 10 new wind farms with a combined capacity of 717MW in 2024 , but needed to have granted 1,720MW to stay on target to meet the Climate Action Plan.
Marches Biogas has built over 30 AD plants in the UK, ranging from 50kWe to large-scale facilities processing feedstocks including energy crops, farm slurries, food and industrial wastes.
The decision could have far-reaching implications, as it establishes that legally mandated climate goals take precedence over local authorities' development plans.
Stephen Robb talks to the main farm and renewable organisations about the Government’s new flagship scheme aiming to allow farmers to develop solar farms and wind turbines of their own.
The group said there is little incentive for participating in a SRESS project if all the income from the project ends up repaying debt and maintaining the project over the 15-year life of the scheme
IrBea's latest biomass capacity statement estimates 1.5 to 1.6 million tonnes of biomass could be available annually for bioenergy with the right policies.