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For the past 25 years, the BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition has taken science outside the classroom and allowed students to explore, experiment and excel, writes Rosalind Skillen.
With the recent announcement of monetary value of a stay-at-home parent being €57,140, it's important to get your PRSI PRSI contributions in order, writes Ciara Leahy.
The HEAR and DARE scheme is in place to break down barriers to third-level education. It is important students get their application in, writes Sarah McIntosh.
Policy and a love of the land are among the factors that play a role in smaller holdings of land receiving more interest than larger farms according to one auctioneer, reports Tommy Moyles.
Seventeen farms nationwide will host CalfCare ’25, a collaborative roadshow by Animal Health Ireland (AHI) and Teagasc’s DairyBeef 500 campaign, promoting calf health and good calf-rearing practices.
The Toyota Land Cruiser has long been a staple in the Irish farming community, renowned for its rugged reliability and exceptional capability in challenging terrains.
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